Thalassemia is a serious genetic blood disorder. There are two types of Thalassemia.
Thalassemia Minor :Thalassemia Minor is not a disease but a condition in
hemoglobin. A person with thalassemia minor lives like a normal person. He does not know
that he is
thalassemia minor until he does a thalassemia minor test (HPLC).
Thalassemia Major :This is a disease that is present in a child from birth.
As both
mother and father are minor, hemoglobin is produced incorrectly due to a genetic change in
body. Due to this, their body begins to experience blood deficiency within a few months.
they have to undergo frequent blood transfusions. .Due to frequent blood transfusions, the
amount of
iron in the brain, heart, kidney, liver and other organs in the body increases and that
organ fails
and the baby becomes short-lived.
Symptoms :Symptoms like being constantly sick, getting cold, feeling weak
and depressed, lack of growth of body according to age, yellowing of organs, difficulty in
Cause of disease :If both mother and father are minor then there is 25%
chance that the baby will be normal, 50% chance that the baby will be minor and only 25%
chance that the baby will be thalassemia major.
Treatment :Bone Marrow Transplant is the only solution for this disease. For
this, it is necessary to match bone marrow of sister / brother, mother and father, for this
a family costs 70 to 80 thousand, otherwise they have to find an external donor, then to
perform this operation in Mumbai, You have to go to Pune, Vellore, Bangalore, Delhi,
Calcutta, Hyderabad. The cost of this surgery is 15 to 30 lakh.
��??We organized the first-ever World Thalassaemia Day at the
Parbhani Collectorate on 8th May, 2016. Prior to that, the district administration
was not directly participating in the anti-thalassaemia efforts.��??
��??Thalassaemia patients require regular blood transfusions.
We felt the need to arrange for regular blood donation camps, which serves the dual
purpose of supplying good, fresh blood to the patients, and increasing social
��??All the Accredited Social Health Assistant (ASHA), a
workforce organized under the Ayushman Bharat Yojana, have been being trained in
thalassaemia awareness since 10th June, 2016.��??
��??We have also successfully followed up with the Directorate
of Health Services, Maharashtra, and ensured a regular supply of medicines to
thalassaemic patients since 2016.��??
��??We have also posted coloured posters and banners in all
public places, frequented by masses such as hotels, function halls, marriage halls
etc. making the people aware of thalassaemia, its implications, need for early
identification and the advisability to avoid the birth.��??
��??We must have made ourselves noticeable by then, as
thalassaemic Gujrat, noted us by appreciating our efforts on 28th May, 2017, in the
National Thalassaemia Meet, 2017, at Ahmedabad, Gujarat.��??